Sunday, July 26, 2020

July 26: Pickstown and the Yangton Sioux Reservation

Lake Francis Case at sunset

You know it’s a small town when the lady who waited on you at the local tavern is the same person who checks out your groceries at the food store the following day. After waiting for two days in  tiny Springfield for the temps to recede from daily highs in the 90’s, Mother Nature decided to cooperate with a high of 83 today (Sunday), and it was good to get back on the trail of Lewis & Clark. My route today skirted the Missouri River along the Native American National Byway, through the Yankton Indian Reservation.   So I bade goodbye to Mark and Theresa at the Springfield Inn.

I had a choice of routes today. I could follow the regular route to Pickstown utilizing SD highways, or I could follow the scenic route  suggested by the cycling map through the reservation. I am happy I chose the scenic route. Actually here were only a few views of the river prior to the end of the ride at Pickstown, but the scenery with the bluffs from both sides of the river was pretty. The challenge of today’s ride was that there were no services along the entire route of 47 miles. When I arrived at the small town of Marty, I stopped to rest and ate the food I had brought along for lunch. Carrying a meal is no problem, when I know in advance that there are no services. Things get  ‘interesting’ when a store that bike travelers depend upon for food is closed.   Stay tuned!

This turned out to be an easy day of riding, after a couple rest days. I’ve heard that the most Important days for the body in training are the rest days.  Definitely true for me.  There was some rain in the forecast which was expected to hit before the end of the ride. No worries. The clouds broke up and  I had sunshine by the end of the ride, as you can see in the picture below.

Geographics: Two items of note today: I pushed my max elevation for the entire trip up to 1850 feet today north of Marty. I’m looking forward to pushing through  the 2000 feet level soon! Also after flirting with 
 A latitude measurement of close to 43 degrees for the last couple days, I finally achieved it today. My apartment in McFarland is exactly at 43 degrees north latitude, so I am for the first time further north than McFarland. And that is where I will stay for the rest of the trip, Yay!

Miles: 47
Elevations: Max: 1850  near Marty  Min:1233 At start
Max speed: 30.2 mph

Note: The order in which the photos appear when I enter them often doesn’t always follow correctly in sequence. For readers who are trying to follow me through the day sequentially, proceed through these photos backwards from last to ftrst.
                                                   End of ride today at Lake Francis Case
Sweet downhill toward Pickstown
Tipi on Yankton Sioux Reservation
Missouri River
Threatening skies over black walnut - but no rain
Home for two days - the Springfield Inn
                                                Channels of the river at Springfield

1 comment:

  1. I've posted a couple of your journal entries on FB and decided to post this one too. Beautiful pictures!


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