Saturday, June 27, 2020

June 12: Tough Shakedown Day - Riding to Dubuque IA.

Cheese  Country Trail - Mineral Point

Some words to remember along my journey from a signboard in Dodgeville: “That which is in front of you is much more important than what is behind you.” Today I got a chance to experience the hills of the Driftless Region in southwestern Wisconsin on my way to Dubuque, IA. I figured this could be a tough day.  I had no idea.  I used Google Maps - Bicycle routes today; I will be less likely to depend on  Google forroutes in the future. Leaving Mineral Point, Google had me routed onto the Cheese Country Trail for about10 miles south. Funny, the trail doesn’t show up on my Wisconsin Bike map.  It didn’t take long to figure out why.  It’s an ATV trail.  As is the Pecatonica River Trail for the next 10 miles after that.  From cycling in Canada I have learned that ATV trails are not suitable for bikes -fat tire bikes probably are ok. ATVs cause ruts and sand, not good for bike tires. So thank God, after five miles or so, I saw a paved road going in the same direction. That was fine until I realized that the ATV trails had one redeeming feature the paved roads did not in this area. ATV trails were rail trails meaning gradual elevation changes.  The paved roads went up and down the steep hills. Steep enough I had to push the bike up one of them.  Fast downhills were fun; top speed today was 40.1 mph! For the second day I was facing a headwind from the west at about 10mph, which didn’t help. ButI was yet to experience the day’s toughest element.

The ATV trails followed the streams. And the streams were probably responsible for the day’s worst affliction. Gnats! Attracted by the perspiration, (and maybe by the sun block too?)  They drove me crazy whenever I stopped or slowed down. Mosquito dope does nothing to stop them. It seemed like Platteville was the epicenter of the gnat outbreak, especially by any streams.  Finally in the early evening it seemed like I’d successfully ridden out of the worst of the swarms.  Checking the internet for information that evening I found a recommended product called Bug Soother, sold at Ace Hardware stores.

Finally, as the sun was setting, I enjoyed the anticipated downhill to the Mississippi River and arrived in East Dubuque, IL. This is where the US 20 bridge crosses the river and it has a sidewalk for bicycles.  Except that the bicycle sidewalk was closed for repair!  Thank you Google Maps for sending me here.  The only way to cross the river is on the US 151 bridge which is actually fine for bikes to use because it has a wide biking lane.  But this meant climbing back up the hill I just had come down!

I decided to stop at the closest hotel,which turned out to be super cheap but met my needs for the night. Connected to the hotel was a bar owned by the same guy.  It was a Packer bar, and I had the bar pizza for supper, which turned out to be Tombstone Pizza.  So I finished the day with a brewski and pizza, and had a nice conversation with the owner.  Super helpful guy.

A lot of stuff was thrown at me today, but I persevered for 61.4 miles and still was smiling at the end of it.😊 And I will probably avoid Platteville next time. And Google maps only as a last resort.

Miles: 61
Elevations:  High: 1250 = Dodgeville.  Low: 645 = E. Dubuque
Max Speed: 40.1

Shake Rag St - Mineral Point

Bridge on Pecatonica ATV Trail

Wisconsin countryside near Dubuque

Wisconsin country

Illinois state line

My hotel at E. Dubuque

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