Sunday, July 12, 2020

July 10: From Independence to Liberty

Another mural: Liberty, MO

I took leave of Indpendence this morning with a goal of Smithville, but I had to cut the ride short 15 miles early at Liberty.  The most important measure on the ride lately, has not been how many miles have been traveled, or the number of feet in elevation. It is the temperature. There has been a stagnant air mass in the a Kansas City area, and each day the temperature progression has been very similar, with the temperature hitting 90 by around noon to  one o’clock, and remaining at that level to 7:00PM. Since my self imposed limit is 85 , this means short riding days, and early hotel check ins.

Consequently fewer pictures too, as I concentrate on getting the miles in before the temps become unbearable.  Today’s photos are from another mural, I think a more modern one, taken from the wall of the Clay County sheriff’s office in Liberty. 

The most exciting part of the day was the Missouri River bridge on 271. This road is a major four lane divided highway, which is the direct route between a Independence and Liberty, and I avoided it for much of the way.  But I had no choice, since I had to take the 271 bridge to cross to the north side of the river. I gulped as I approached the bridge, as I saw there was no sidewalk!  The traffic lanes were narrow also and no bike lane. I had passed through a stop light about a mile back which was breaking up the traffic, but there was no way I could ride fast enough to cross the bridge during a traffic break. I was going to have to rely on the traffic going single file to get around me in the passing lane. It turned out to be no problem, as all the cars and trucks moved over into the passing lane as they went by me.  It seems the MO drivers are used to moving over.  I would say 99% give me broad clearance as they pass me by.

Miles: 23
Elevations: High 1009. Low 750 on the bridge
Max speed. 34.2

Liberty mural

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