Tuesday, August 15, 2023

August 10, 2023: Swimming Again

 Some vivid cloud colors before sunset

After a fairly long riding day yesterday (58 miles) I was interested in an easy riding day today.  While most of my riding miles lately have been westerly, today my entire forward progress was in a northerly direction.  I decided to ride for 10miles and then return to the truck.  I've learned that rest days are just as important as hard training days, especially as I have grown older.  I'm really pleased at how well the legs and knees have  handled the bike training.  In three weeks I plan to be on the ice curling.

I returned to the truck, and along the way passed a sign that indicated that it was just one mile from that point to a boat landing.  So from the sign, I headed in the indicated direction, and came across two more signs pointing in differing directions, but both directing travel to the boat landing.   Actually two different boat landings.  I followed one of the signs, and 3.5 miles later finally came upon a  boat landing.  The place was deserted; however there were two  unoccupied cars with boat trailers in the parking lot.  On the site, along with the boat landing, there was a dock which gave me a perfect opportunity to take a swim. The water was refreshing; not cold  but not warm either.   Clean and clear; very different from the muddy stream that pours into the Mississippi River.  Since this is a reservoir, there was no detectable current.  After a short swim, I quickly dripped dry in the dry North Dakota air.  It didn't take long, and I was back on the bike.  Most of the pictures below were taken on that short stint toward the boat landing.  As for route 1804, it is always nearby Lake Sakakawea, but not exactly next to the lakeshore. 

Descending to the Lake

a rain shower nearby

Sunflowers along the edge of the road.

Total Miles: 27.3
Forward Progress: 10 miles.
Average speed: 9.2 mph
Max speed: 23.8 mph
Max. Elevation:  2235 ft
Min. Elevation: 1953 ft.
Lake Elevation:  1860 ft.

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