Sunday, July 5, 2020

July 4: Back on the road - I Ride to Boonville

Final day on the Katy Trail

I celebrate the 4th of July with an early departure from Jefferson City. The Katy trail has been my companion for over 100 miles but today is my final day on the Katy. At Boonville the Katy Trail leaves the river and heads southwest toward Sedalia. The river however, continues its northwesterly course, so that is the way I must go.

The photo above is one of my favorites of the river from the Katy. Here the trees and brush have been cleared away, so we have a clear view of he Big Muddy. Perhaps my imagination, but maybe the Missouri is looking a bit less muddy here? 

My favorite part of the day was probably at Coopers Landing.  It’s a campground right on the river, and it doesn’t show up on my bike map, so a surprise for me. Since it’s the 4th, I added a bit of variety to my beverage purchases at the campground store.

One key aspect of the Katy Trail I sure am going to miss is the bountiful shade. For awhile today I had to detour from the Katy Trail due to a bridge damaged by flooding.  The detour took me onto regular roads - felt much warmer without the shade.

At the end of the day’S ride, I came across the northern terminus of the Santa Fe trail, near Franklin. This area was an important one as the West opened up in the early to mid 1800’s.  The Santa Fe trail provided trade with Mexico, and of course New Mexico.  Kit Carson was born near here. Several overland routes converged in this area. Reading about the trails and the characters reminded me of my youth, when I would go to the Medford Public Library and check out books about Kit Carson, Buffalo Bill, and a host of other Mountain Men.  Do kids today know about these guys?
Ending the Katy; beginning the Santa Fe Trail

Lewis & Clark camped here June 9, 1804
Keeping hydrated - Coopers Landing

Typical view from Katy Trail

Katy Trail is very shady here

Corn is supposed to be knee-high today


  1. Enjoyed the I ride to Booneville post, the last one Mom and Mike see from me as I leave today. They very much enjoyed these also. lots of love and be safe.

  2. All so interesting and exciting to learn all the information you write. Enjoy and stay safe!

  3. I am not sure kids know about those guys today unless it is in Missouri’s state history lessons. I remember learning about them as a kids when we went on a vacation out west.

  4. I enjoyed meeting you on the Katy Trail , I hope you have a good trip !


August 11: Parshall and New Town

Van Hook Bay of Lake Sakakawea near New Town A familiar foe showed up on day 4 - a tough headwind.  Generally, this year I found the cycling...